Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Whipping Post President

Tonight, President Obama's jobs bill is expected to fail in Congress.

You know this bill... this is the bill that Obama persistently took to the airwaves and challenged Congress to pass. "PASS THIS BILL" he said, even childishly leading crowd chants during his addresses.

Whether or not you agree with the tenets of this jobs bill (there is certainly the argument to be made that this is just another stimulus which has already proven to be ineffective), the failure of another Obama effort rings the alarum bell. His ineffectiveness over the last year is hard to ignore. And this time around, not only is every single Republican expected to vote against Obama's Jobs Bill but even some Democrats have jumped ship.

This occurrence is exactly why I am a registered Independent. This is also exactly why I believe the political party system has begun to and will continue to ruin the United State of America. Today, despite having the majority in the Senate and a President from their party in office, the Democrat Party is achieving very little. As a matter of fact, if this were a boxing match the fight probably would have been stopped a few months ago. The Republican Party somehow manages to not only control both houses of Congress but also renders the President completely helpless. Consequently, America is being run by only one viewpoint- and that makes it a dictatorship.
This GOP aggression and Democratic passivity has existed for a while. And based on the events of tonight, it isn't going to change anytime soon.

I'm sad to see Obama become such a disappointment. But, a spade is a spade. I've always refused to be someone who votes for the lesser of 2 evils, and I will not start doing that with my vote in 2012. Either Obama takes a stand or I, for one, will vote for either a 3rd party candidate who I like or no one at all- even at the cost of a vote for said lesser evil.

I also encourage everyone else to consider doing the same. It's about time we stopped settling. It's about time we REALLY begin holding our government accountable for its actions. It's time we let our votes truly speak for us instead of compromising and voting for someone about whom we feel lukewarm.

Let's hold the GOP to those standards- do what's best for the country, or you're not gonna get the Presidency back. Let's also hold Obama to those standards- either fight for us, or you're gone.

It's gotta start sometime...

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